Kirjoittaja Aihe: Moto Guzzi / Italian meetings in Norway 2015.  (Luettu 6096 kertaa)

Jukka Laine

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Moto Guzzi / Italian meetings in Norway 2015.
« : Tammikuu 20, 2015, 20:07:01 ip »
Dear Moto Guzzi friends.

Please inform your club members that the Norwegian Moto Guzzi club (Norsk Moto Guzzi Klubb9 will arrange two Italian meetings in 2015.


22th-24th May 2015:

Italian Spring Meeting

Røldal (at the road E134, 320 km from Oslo, 140 km from Haugesund)

web: Norsk Moto Guzzi Klubb,

(If you don’t have the letter ø, use an ö in the place name; Röldal)

28th-30th August 2015:

Italian Autumn Meeting

Rindal (95 km south-west from Trondheim, at the gateway to Trollheimen mountains)

web: Norsk Moto Guzzi Klubb,

More information will be published at our webpage later.

Best regards,

Elin Vandevjen

Norsk Moto Guzzi Klubb

Jukka Tuusulasta, Sport 1200.
Verestä Hyviä Muistoja!
Veriryhmä Gruppo MOTO GUZZI.